Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring break! All riiiiiiiight!

Cleanly shaven, slightly lonely.

So the school is deserted and I'm stuck in Accino Lab taking calls from bitchy faculty and reading up on all the Adolescent Psych readings I've missed this semester ("I've missed" is a euphemism). Everyone I know has abandoned me for more "fun" things such as "New Orleans" or New "York" or Washington D.C. or "family". Well. Hmph. Well they go ahead and "have" fun, I'll be here waiting. They'll get what's coming to them.

What does that even mean?


Extremely friendly people (for the most part...haha) and I'm glad I'm even in the cast. It's a fun play, to begin with, and I'm really pleased with how everyone was cast. This was the decider for me, see, if I was going to pursue this theatre thing further. It's a little bumpy, yes, but it's intense fun. I'm about ready to declare a minor in Theatre and take the acting class next year. It's all happening. I admit to sulking at some point but it's nothing to worry about. The sooner I get used to it the happier I'll be. Everything's new. I'm new to everything. I'll get there in the end.

I love it, I really do. I love the atmosphere. I love how no one really takes themself seriously. I love that everyone's so talented. I love it all.

There was a stumble-through on Thursday. All is well. Everyone buy your tickets please and thank you.


Last night was a calm and neat-o evening with my trusty sidekick (or am I hers?) Elizabeth Louise. After an intense practice session in Smith involving me losing my voice, we went to a fusion (I say fusion because I'm not sure they knew either what they were specifically) Asian restaurant called...Shanghai? [Pictured below...somewhere]

I had the most FABULOUS (and I do mean that) Seafood Pad Thai imaginable. I swear. If it weren't for the fact that that restaurant was friggin freezing, I'd say it was perfect.

Then we hopped across the street to the Avon theatre, which apparently shows exclusively (if not exclusively then almost exclusively) international or independent or alternative films, to watch a neat-o French film called "The Class".

Now I'm not sure, but I'm almost certain that it followed the plot to Half Nelson and was a wee bit like freedom writers. And I'm not too sure if I would have liked the film if it weren't for the adorable French language used. I swear, all througout today, distant voices all sounded like French. I wanna learn it, I do. Maybe in the summer, and maybe after I learn Esperanto.

As an added bonus, my creepy Philosophy professor from first year DWC was there in his creepy hat. And liz and I were behind him as he creeped merrily along from the theatre, Mr. Bean-style.


Oh wait, I've run out things to say.
