Saturday, October 25, 2008

The news of my death has been greatly exaggerated.

Edit: My outfitting skills are still work in progress. Agree to disagree?

Original Post:

Oh what a difference a couple of weeks makes.

I have a slight feeling that I'm changing. It's not as if I feel like I'm becoming a different person. If anything, I feel like everything I've always felt the need to keep inside is slowly creeping out. So far, it's not been scary. So far, my innocence has not got the best of me. I feel like I'm willing to do things that I'd never have done before. I feel like there's a whole other side of me that I'm letting out of it's sad, sad cave.

I like, it's nice.

I've been watching a couple of theater classes since I last wrote. I pretty much think that theater at PC, along with the people, are amazing. If given the chance to go back in time and choose another major to double with, I'd choose theater. Other than being thoroughly entertaining, I feel like I'm also absorbing a million different ideas at the same time. I guess talent inspires. I want to write now, more than ever. I want to work at my instruments again, rather than just let them collect dust. I want read more, and speak more and sing more and just to generally do more. For the first time ever, I feel like I'm in College. Better late than never.

Despite all these things, I still have a slight procrastination issue. It's easier to blow off the procrastination now though since I'm spreading myself a little thinner than ever. The busier I get, the less time I have to randomly do unproductive things. I'm meeting people at least 5 times busier than I that complain about being lazy. I guess that makes me extremely lazy. I don't know. The important thing is, I'm experiencing things that I'd never experienced before and it's awesome.

In my general plan to constantly improve myself, I feel like I'm on the right path. None of it feels wrong. It doesn't feel like I'm making the wrong decisions. I have faith in my naive intuition and level-headedness. I'm actually dying to make a mistake I'll learn from (instead of mistakes that automatically fix is often the case).

In short, I'm one productive activity short of amazing and I think, for the first time in my life (I know, it's a blogpost of firsts), I'm happy where I am thank you very much.

Good day!


Macy said...

"looking good."
it should be added to the list of things you've been doing right. Aiight.

Anonymous said...

I think I finally got tired of not using capital letters.

That and I know how much it agitates you when I don't capitalize.

All for you Jayo, all for you.


Ina said...

Awesome. I'm feeling happy for you.
