Thursday, October 9, 2008

On being 19

I woke up and didn't realize it was my birthday until just before I left for school. Is that a metaphor for the insignificance of this day?


First and foremost, these people have greeted me (in correct, chronological order :P). I'd like to thank facebook for reminding them (I can say that because I, too, would forget people's birthdays without that reminder).

- Asian Am yesterday! :)
- A couple of people in my Stats-Psych Class (one was from Asian Am, I wish I could remember her name because it was EXTREMELY nice of her. Edit: Her name was Angie.)
- Kuya Lloyd [mobile] who called me during Stats-Psych which is a bummer but I got the voicemail.
- Kuya Jeff Fernandez. [Facebook]
- Kuya Brian! [Facebook] and [AIM]
- Mr. Tony Dan [Facebook]
- JIAN! Although I don't think she added enough "Happy Birthday"s in her e-mail. Disappointing. [E-mail]
- Kuya Jep, offered to kiss me later. Oh Joy! [E-mail]
- Allaaaaaan from Philly [Myspace]
- Cassie [Facebook] also wrote a lovely, somewhat provocative, heavily capped status message.
- Hannah Banana from Bristol [Facebook]
- Elsa Bermudez from Anime Club[Facebook] gave me solid advice on the definition of "old".
- Pat Knight [AIM]
- Marielle [Blogspot] dedicated a post to me. I feel wicked special now.
- Liz Curtis [Facebook] told me to frolic. I'll see what I can do.
- Brent from CA [Facebook]
- Kristine from 2 minutes from my house [Facebook]
- Joanne Blanco, of LIC Fame [Facebook]
- Sasha from Bristol [Facebook]
- Juz [Facebook]
- Ina [Blogspot] made a ridiculous excuse below
- Macy [Myspace], [Bebo], [Youtube] and [Gtalk]. Better late than never. You even had a time-difference headstart. Shame on you Macy Sto. Domingo! SHAME ON YOU. :P
- FA [AIM]
- Jessica Gallion [Facebook]

Even though probably nothing can trump the mini-laptop my mama and papa have ordered for me, I'm pretty sure my Stats-Psych Professor's present comes close. (That looks creepy, I admit).

You'll have to understand that, even though Stats-Psych sounds easy enough, I've found it tedious and over-my-head at times. At one point, I thought it burdensome and that I was only doing it because I had to. These past couple weeks however, I've been sucking it up and actually giving a crap about the class (which is new for me considering I'm usually consistent in not-giving-a-crap for certain subjects).

"So Jayo", asked my Prof as I was about to leave, "do you like all this stuff".
"What...the whole general...or.." I stammered, as I usually do with figures of authority.
"All of it, the whole course and the content. Do you like it?"
"Ah yeah, it took me a while to get into it but I've been putting more effort into it recently so-"
"Yes, I can see that. Your projects lately, you're sounding like someone who'd be good at this sounds like you're taking an interest"
"Hah yeah, I guess it all depends on my procrastination"
"Hah, that's something we all have to deal with everyday"

My point is, I rarely get the chance to...reap what I sow. My problem is, that since there's no reaping, I see no point in sowing. It sounds crazy but there's countless moments when I feel so very inferior (which is weird because I find that in general, I'm a pretty superior guy. HAH). It's moments like these; finding out I'm not doing too bad in something I think I'm doing terribly in, finding out that every minute spent staring at somewhat illegible letters in a three-ton textbook is actually worth something, finding out that sacrifice actually is a means to reward, finding out that my many, many excuses don't quite work anymore, finding everything out in one big, gigantic epiphany...It's moments like these that I think to myself...

Wow, there's just absolutely no point in ever being miserable is there?

CNN's birthday present to me:

Macy's Birthday Present:

The rest of the day was pleasant. Iced Pomegranate Tea and a Hummus-Tabouli wrap while listening to Mogwai. God gave me sun today, thanks G!

Development of Western Civilization was awesome in that my Professor didn't want to do anything. Like for real. So we talked about politics. Professor Pellegrino is a Republican. I don't hold that against him. He had TBC CATCHING BUS!


Ina said...


Time difference got me twisted.



Macy said...

I was..sleeping?
oh! oh! oh!
and I refused to talk to you/go on the internet until I had finished making the video, which meant I had to wait for my mama to come back home with the camera. Ha!

shame on me ^_^;;