Tuesday, November 18, 2008

JazzMuffin, and other things.

Happiness...is $2.50 from Jazzman's. It's imitation McMuffin, but it imitates well enough. What it lacks is sickliness and the diabetes tablets that McDonalds secretly hides in their food products, along with 1 inch squared blocks of pure cholesterol that is more properly known as "secret sauce". I miss the taste of trans-fat.

Happiness...is only having to register for one class as all other classes were preregistered by my major department. Next semester's ultimate party class, Post Modern Drama, will be the first class I'll ever have with people I am already friends with. Apart from the fact that Norma Kroll cancels approximately fourty percent of her classes, the work load she gives is so light that I find myself craving for something to do. I miss ultra-stress.

Happiness...is being the first one in line to sign up for work shifts during the study period. Happiness is also realizing that Mondays mark the start of the new week. I was able to sign up for 30 hours in total, and it's frickin' awesome. I miss not having money.

Happiness...is realizing that I have a few hours until my next class and will probably have time to finish my paper for it if I play my cards right. If I know what I'm doing, I can write 700 words per hour. Being a 1200-1500 word paper, and factoring in distraction time, I should be in shape for a speedy recovery. I miss "working well under pressure".

Hey unhappiness, fuck you.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Manic Monday

I do not need to go on at length about how much I did not want to get out of bed this morning. I do not need to go on at length about how miserable it is to get out of a fuzzy-warm house and into a cunty-cold world. I do not need to because you can see it in my face (second pic), it's a look that's clearly not impressed by the frozenness of my balls.

I'm so grotesque.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Plaid Fetish Perfect

How perfect it is to be on top of things. This very moment, in this point in time, though work isn't any lighter than it usually is, I'm on top of it...and it feels sorta fantastic.

I never ended up starting NaNoWriMo. It's just not a convenient month to be doing so. I think I'll end up reaching a 50,000 goal from writing papers and class notes alone. Possibly next year, when I'm even more on top of things (I'd actually then be above them, technically).

There's really nothing else to say for now, just wait a little while and I'll probably end up in a pile of shit again.

For the meantime, though, I'ma float around a bit.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Oops, NANOWRIMO started.

I'm officially putting normal posts on hold so I can invest time in Nanowrimo. This is my first time participating in nanowrimo and the result will determine whether I will do it next year or not.

Finger's tightly crossed.