Tuesday, November 18, 2008

JazzMuffin, and other things.

Happiness...is $2.50 from Jazzman's. It's imitation McMuffin, but it imitates well enough. What it lacks is sickliness and the diabetes tablets that McDonalds secretly hides in their food products, along with 1 inch squared blocks of pure cholesterol that is more properly known as "secret sauce". I miss the taste of trans-fat.

Happiness...is only having to register for one class as all other classes were preregistered by my major department. Next semester's ultimate party class, Post Modern Drama, will be the first class I'll ever have with people I am already friends with. Apart from the fact that Norma Kroll cancels approximately fourty percent of her classes, the work load she gives is so light that I find myself craving for something to do. I miss ultra-stress.

Happiness...is being the first one in line to sign up for work shifts during the study period. Happiness is also realizing that Mondays mark the start of the new week. I was able to sign up for 30 hours in total, and it's frickin' awesome. I miss not having money.

Happiness...is realizing that I have a few hours until my next class and will probably have time to finish my paper for it if I play my cards right. If I know what I'm doing, I can write 700 words per hour. Being a 1200-1500 word paper, and factoring in distraction time, I should be in shape for a speedy recovery. I miss "working well under pressure".

Hey unhappiness, fuck you.


Kenji Mendoza said...

oh god... i think i might throw up...

"along with 1 inch squared blocks of pure cholesterol that are more properly known as "secret sauce""

there, that's better :)

Jayo said...

You never can resist being a cunt can you?


See, a smiley face softens everything. /sarcasm.

Macy said...

that Jazzmuffin thing has meat in it. But you already knew that.

Jayo, leave him be.
He's lonely, he needs something to do and someone to talk to. The right thing to do is to reach out, not push away.

sheesh >_<

Jayo said...

I don't like his personality. It's like...naturally offensive.

Anonymous said...

Broo, that is a TOTALLY sweet name
You'd sound so cool and alternative suggesting that we all go down and have a jazzmuffin and it's all on you.
You can't suggest a jazzmuffin without paying for everyone elses

Kenji Mendoza said...

Oh cmon, Jayo, please don't take it to heart..!

Grammar is an important thing, you know, and we should all endeavor to preserve it in this ever-growing world of illiteracy.

Kenji Mendoza said...

Oh, and to knock on another person's personality because they corrected a legitimate mistake on your part is pretty...


What I'm trying to say is, I'm not offending anyone who isn't predisposed to getting offended (by me) in the first place.

Macy said...

Jayo, you need to blog more. Same goes for Ina, but I'll tell her that myself.

I need more stuff to read!


Jayo said...

"What I'm trying to say is, I'm not offending anyone who isn't predisposed to getting offended (by me) in the first place."

Translation: I'm asking for it?

Yeah yeah.

Kenji Mendoza said...


Alright. Let me simplify things for you.

What I'm saying is just because you hate me doesn't mean what I'm saying isn't right.

A more appropriate response to my initial comment would've been something along the lines of "Oh, woops, can't believe I didn't see that (after doing a university-grade English major). Thanks for sticking up for grammar, Kenji. Now I won't look like a hick in front of all the nitpicky blog readers out there..!"

This post is clearly on my 'cunt side', but of course, fighting fire with fire was never a clean business.

And you still haven't fixed the grammar in question..! So whose pride is getting in the way here?

Macy said...

I think the part that made your first comment seem so offensive to anyone reading it was the, "oh god.. i think i might throw up..." part.

And, just to make things fair, you didn't use any capital I's in that sentence.

You could've easily apologised to Jayo. And don't say you didn't need to apologise, because you do need to, especially since Jayo didn't really appreciate what you had said. It was kinda offending.

If Jayo had said the exact same thing to you as you had said to him, you probably would've said something along the lines of, "Jayo is such an asshole! AngstangstangstUGH!"

I might be wrong, but whatever.

Jayo said...

Nail on the head Macy.

Now fuck off Kenji and write your blog that no one reads.

Kenji Mendoza said...

Wow, I just discovered the further escalation of this.

I'd like to respond wholeheartedly, but I'm trying to get on your good sides (think Everest with no kneecaps).

I'm sorry Jayo.