Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Rap About ME, But not by ME.

My buddy Jeper wrote me a neat-o rap. Much appreciated Jep!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So I'm definitely slacking with my to-do-list.

Near the end of last sem, I made this fantastical list of things I want to have achieved by the end of this Winter break. I purposely made it extremely long and didn't even bother prioritizing. What it ended up being was a wishlist and involved learning Esperanto and reading a ton of books. Needless to say I haven't...Lernu any Esperantu and I've barely read a book these past few weeks.

I'm quite mad at myself for not knowing myself better.

So I condensed it into a comparitively smaller to-do-list, which is still kinda large and still very much untouched. I mean, it's been touched, but I feel like it would have been more touched had it not been for other things. I blame Shonda Rhimes and Lin-Manuel Miranda. I also blame internet television, my return to videogaming and, last but not least, clever shirts (sometimes).

I think they should rename Winter break. It tricks me into thinking that it's supposed to be a in...relaxing and time-wasting. It should be named Winter Work. Or Winter things to do.

Except that I haven't completely wasted my time, I'm just achieving other things...that weren't even on my list. It's a little weird.

I've been jogging. Not a whole lot, but it's far better that never. I'm hoping to make it a permanent thing.

I've become a pesco-vegetarian. I know that makes some vegetarians angry but they'll just have to suck it. I'd rather die than not have sufficient Omega 3 fats.

I've cooked a great deal, which is kinda related to being vegetarian. I'm pretty sure I won't be doing anymore cooking once school starts though (which is a bummer).

I've been out of the house a lot. Which is a good thing, trust me.

Which only leaves a ton of real work, as in, important work that needs to be done.

Aside from that, I need to write more. I need to play instruments more. I need to read more. I need to jog more. I need to get my goddamn license. I need to blog more.

Someone...anyone...please kick my ass now.


below: "In the Heights", a Broadway musical that I'm absolutely obsessed with right now, and I've only heard the soundtrack. Universal recently announced that they were making a movie version for 2010. I think I creamed...metaphorically.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I guess it's not your Birthday anymore...



I'm going to send you something next week. I'm just not sure if I should send it to Germany or to New Zealand.

Lemme know :)