Thursday, February 5, 2009

This is me, also copying Ina.

and it's funny, because I actually just went to her blog, read it, then copy and pasted everything because I want my blogpost to be exactly like hers except not. And boooy, I am so running outta wit and charm right now that I pretty much HAD TO copy hers.

and it's even funnier that all of the above, I just copied Macy.

I have decided, that I love Providence College.
I have also decided that I want a lime green beatle, real bad.
I've decided to become a eunuch. Any help would be appreciated.
I've decided that I really, really want fish. Lots of fish. But they'll freeze where I live.
I've decided that 17 is nothing, compared to 19. For real.

So, that's that.
Don't worry, I've been slack too. I'm thinking of a way to get everyone really into it and not have to be tied down into blogging a lot. I do like structure. I'll get back to you.

In other news (and yes, I really do have stuff to blog about);
- I'm in Providence College Idol's preliminary round (it's like the going to Hollywood part, except less intense?). YES, I will be singing I kissed a girl. YES, I will probably make a fool of myself. and YES, it'll be fun, and I guess that's all that matters.
- I'm auditioning for my school's spring musical, Urinetown (wiki it, I can't be bothered linking). I'm not too sure how I'll do because I know for a fact that I can't act. We'll see how things go I guess.
- Club stuff. This is boring for anyone else but me. But there's a lot.
- I've been a Pesco-Vegetarian since the start of December. Eventually I'll go full vegetarian (and possibly vegan, although I love eggs A LOT).
- I'm in my Catholic College Cafe right now and there's a Rabi giving a blessing to a faculty member that's leaving or something. It's so intense and awesome and Hebrew. I can now cross that off my list of things to experience.

Want to see some photos?
Okey Dokey. [click them for bignessness]

Below is me and Nietzsche, with my Nietzsche reading face. This man single-handedly makes me want to question existence. Or something like that.

Below is me rediscovering tea. I'm pretty sure it's Honey Ginseng, but it maybe Peach Ginger.

Below is the poster I made for my friend Brandon Ferretti's play that he's directing; "Baby with the Bathwater". A hilarious play that I'm thoroughly, thoroughly excited about.
Below is my submission for my buddy Todd's Draw A Dino Day 2009 (an event that he's done and will do every year, with increasing intensity). Other submissions can be found here.
Below is a part of my room. It's a pity that I don't step a foot in it during the semester, except to get clothes. Oh STRESS. Click for larger.

1 comment:

Macy said...

The poster, the dino and your room are all awesome.

and LOL at the Tui picture.
I mean, what the hell was I thinking with that?

Mikee also wants lots of fish. Lots and lots of expensive tropical fish. I plan on fulfilling this want on her 18th.