Monday, October 13, 2008

Why Blog?

I was thinking of finishing my peppy-deppy birthday blog but I guess divulging on Professor Pellegrino can wait. Before anyone jumps to conclusions, the title of this post does not imply that I will be quitting this blog.


In light of a friend's recent situation, I came to thinking about all this blogging--what the fuck one of the stalks of my plants just died. Fuuuudge. Anyway, I'm dedicating this post to her so if she doesn't read it, I will fly to Vegas and kick her in the face with her own skyskyskyskyskyskyskytop chucks. Or at least I think that's what they're called.


From what I can remember, this blog started off as a semi-loneliness project. I had a couple of months left in New Zealand in Auckland before I would see my familia again and my gayass high school friends were too busy being adult or some queer shit like that. Whatever the reason, I was kinda bored and needed a way to get in touch with whoever was interested. If anything else, it was a good way to get in touch with my lovely siblings without having to think on the spot (we became strangers at that point, don't ask me how).

This blog was born with no intended shape and no intended form. A plot was not devised, a theme was not preconceived. Simply put, this blog is an immovable thought-notepad with the added benefit of random strangers possibly peering into it. Likened to my thoughts, the posts lack structure and are sometimes conjured with no particular purpose than for my own enjoyment. There are no rules to this blog and there are no expected readers. I do not have a target audience and I've set out writing humongous posts knowing that it will be read by one or two people at the most, if I'm lucky.

This blog serves multiple functions, depending on my mood and current state of mind.

I've written many nostalgia-related posts in which I reminisce at simplistic and amazing moments I've had. These are happy posts and I'm amazed I even had the initiative to write them. I'm the kind of person that will forget great moments in my life and these posts are kept as insurance- Emergency Happiness.

I've written crappy filler-posts of youtube videos. These don't really deserve a description. Don't get me wrong, I love youtube and will only recommend it if it's needle-in-a-haystack type stuff, but I'm trying to steer away from this as much as possible as I'm sure it's only contributing to the viral scheme of things.

I've written a couple of blogs complaining at length about my procrastination. These posts are counter-intuitive in that they are in themselves a form of procrastinating. I especially love the fact that I assume that it only happens to me. As I progress in This American Life©, I begin to realize that procrastination, that evil demon inside me, is inside everyone. There is no cure for procrastination virus, just AZT and therapy to help manage it, and it works to some degree.

I've written many update blogs. These aren't particular interesting I don't think, but only because I don't feel I'm living a particularly exceptional life. These posts actually do have a point in that they're telling everyone, me included, where I am in my life at a certain point in time. When I get all busy, it's really easy to just lose track of where I am. These posts are me doing just that.

A type of post I hope to never write, and have tried to avoid, are depression posts. I know very well that it can be somewhat therapeutic to divulge one's deepest, darkest secrets to an unknown amount of people but I personally feel that I have nothing to be depressed about. I feel down, no doubt, but it's not depression. It's the spoilt kid inside me trying to throw a tantrum.


The above, not too interesting, but I have a point in here somewhere. The reason I blog...

is the same reason as you blog. The very fact that my parents may or may not read this blog only motivates me more not to care. The point of having a blog as opposed to a newspaper guest commentary article is the freedom. There are no rules girl, write what you want, when you want, without the fear of people you want reading it. I cannot speak for you or even begin to know what kind of situation your in, I've always had a problem with perfect empathy with girls (I think it's anatomy that's preventing my transition). I can, however, strongly advise you not to fret. Do not change a thing you are doing because what you are's amazing. It takes balls. Coming to the point I am now, where I feel like I can write what I want without worrying about offending anyone....coming to the point I am now, where I feel like I can confidently write endless posts without the fear that nobody will ever read it...coming to this point where I'm feeling like blogging is a habit and no longer a chore, trust me on this when I say that it took over a year for me...and your pretty much there.

I can summarize the above paragraph in a couple of sentences;

My blog, in it's present state, is honest, raw, and a little kooky. But mostly honest...and it gives the freedom to be as honest as I want to be, and not have to lie about who I am or hide any part of me that I would not otherwise feel uncomfortable showing.

Why do I blog?

Personally, because I can bitches.


Sidenote: Despite everything I've just said, you can, if you want, switch your blog to private and just let people in who are invited to read it...but that would be no fun at all.

Clean advise without the flowery emotional speech: Don't change a thing. If in doubt, blog it off.


Ina said...

My Nokia N92 is brilliant but I have too many comments to make, I have to do it on the keyboard.

But what I can say right now is thank you. I feel much better. =]

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was cool
You make me feel like becoming one of those religious everyday bloggers like my sister and...other people.
