Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Waiting for God, oh...

Ten dollar hoodie from Rue21. Black Friday was good to me.

So I'm writing this on my study break. Exam Period is a week away and I'm sort of shaky in a couple of places.

After having done no work in class in Modern Drama this whole Semester (not my fault but Norma Kroll's), we're still going to have a final exam. I only read half of the texts and now I'm expected to remember a quote from each of them? Needle. Haystack. Fudge.

So the entire class tried to convince her how tough it would be to write responses to six plays even though it was her fault we never went over them in class. I love her but I sometimes wish she knew what was going on half any of the time. So after about half an hour of trying to reason with her, she talks to us about her chemotherapy and all the sicknessness she's had and still does have and ends with "and you guys are complaining about 6 small quotes from 6 small texts?".

You can't argue with the chemo card. I just don't get how it's relevant.

Waiting for Godot's not turning out so bad. After experiencing Samuel Beckett's most absurd short plays live a couple of weeks back (produced by someone from PC's production class), I didn't think I'd be able to wrap my head around it. I think it's safe to say that I'll be able to understand this a little more than three people in trash cans speaking fast (which was amazing by the way).

The Way of a Pilgrim, however, is a piece of crap covered in scum. It's about an anonymous poor Russian (he had to be Russian) who walks around praying 30,000 times a day. I appreciate it's theological value and I get the fact that it's trying to portray or define devotion and the like, but it's repetitive, obsessive, tedious and retarded. I can't believe that out of all the texts we were given for this semester's Development of Western Civilization, this is the one I'm reading. Not Nathan the Wise, not Gulliver's Travels, not even TPaine's Common Sense. I'm reading this. And I'm bored. Which is probably the reason why I'm blogging right now. Because I'm dreading continuing it. It's worse than if Paris Hilton wrote a book on Lebanese (read that correctly) Philosophy. Damn this book to hell.

Black Friday was amazing. Never in my life had I waited for clothing stores to open. I was kinda surprised that my dad decided to take the whole family to Wrentham Villages (it's like an outlet village thing with MAD stores) at midnight to shop. Now, though, I'm poor. I'll take pictures of my fancy clothes when I'm super-bored in the Winter.

This thanksgiving break was pretty snazz. My buddy Jennifer, from Maine, came down as she wasn't exactly heading to California just for 4 days. Turkey was plentiful, shopping was had, and I finally was able to watch The Siterhood of the Traveling Pants 2. How perfect is that?

Also, this is the worst movie I've seen this year. It wasn't terrible, it just didn't end...good. Basically, The Visitor is about an old Professor who was bored and started playing African drums in his underwear with a Middle-Eastern guy who gets deported. The movie ends shortly after. Don't watch it. Ever.

I'll write a proper blog soon once I finish with my finals.

Procrastination procrastination procrastination procrastination.

The bane of my freakin' existence.


Below: Sigur Ros singing Gobbledigook...with Bjork. I can't, for the life of me, figure out why. Hilarious/awesome.

1 comment:

Kenji Mendoza said...

Haha, in Drama we had to do a little bit of Absurdist too.

We had to do scenes from Waiting For Godot for an internal and The Birthday Party was half of our genre study.

The scene my partner and I did from Waiting For Godot was SO fun..!