Friday, November 14, 2008

Plaid Fetish Perfect

How perfect it is to be on top of things. This very moment, in this point in time, though work isn't any lighter than it usually is, I'm on top of it...and it feels sorta fantastic.

I never ended up starting NaNoWriMo. It's just not a convenient month to be doing so. I think I'll end up reaching a 50,000 goal from writing papers and class notes alone. Possibly next year, when I'm even more on top of things (I'd actually then be above them, technically).

There's really nothing else to say for now, just wait a little while and I'll probably end up in a pile of shit again.

For the meantime, though, I'ma float around a bit.


Macy said...

you know, I think I'm to blame for all your profile views. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

on a slightly different note -
I like the shirt. I'd wear it if I owned it, but seeing as it belongs to you.. well, yeah.

Anonymous said...

I have this grey, plaid shirt that I bought from Savemart that's supposed to be a little boys shirt
And it takes all the womanly curves outta me and exploits my angdrogyny.
I was wearing it yesterday, and these dudes standing behind me were like;
"Nah, nah bro. It's a girl. Look at that keychain."


Jayo said...

Androgyny for the win!

I'd buy more plaid but I'm the obsessive type and risk replacing everything I own with plaidness.