Monday, January 1, 2007

Why does my souuuul, feel so bad....

Moby is a god. But that has nothing to do with what I'm posting about right now.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I will now proceed to whore my blog on all possible outlets EG. Bebo and Myspace. Because it has come to my attention that no-one reads this. Maybe I should put more interesting things here in order to buy people...I was even thinking of giving people money but then I realised that I don't really trust Pago and even if I did, I wouldn't have anything to give. So you'll all have to settle with IOUs. Notice the lack of apostrophe preceeding the "s" in IOUs? Read a book called "eats, shoots, and leaves" by some anally retentive lady whom I can't remember the name of as of now. The book comes with stickers of commas, apostrophes and full stops that you can use to correct public street signs. And plus any lady that uses the words "Satanic sprinkling of redundant apostrophes" is a piece of nift in my books. And while I'm on the recommendation train, "obtain access by alternative means" to a song called Gravity's Rainbow by The Klaxons, a new genre in the UK called Nu-Rave. Makes me shake my asss. And if no, "obtain access by alternative means" to a song called "Alpha Beta Gaga" by "Air". Why? Because it's the tip top bread song :) :) And finally, the new glassons ad where the scantilly clad gentle-women drink martinis poolside and stuff has a familiar song in the background that I can't seem to get a hold of, any help would be swell!

I'm PRO smacking children. Lemme tell you why. Because if you don't, they'll smack you first. HA! No not really. I'm neutral.

What have I been up to since leaving the capital? I've been having an enormous blast. Quite deserving actually after those 3 or 4 months of endless school work. I HAVE A TAN! MUAHAHAHA! See pictures. Auckland's a nifty place once you get past the traffic and bloods/crips thingies. So like, I'm going to pick lemons now because I'm fulfilling a life long dream - OYSTER PICKING!! Yeyah. Chuzz and babai.

-Kuya Jayo

Below, pictures from all the fuzzle i've been hazzle.


Anonymous said...

oh, so this is where you've disappeared to?
Wow. You're own little blog spot aye? quite nifty if you ask me.

I'm too lazy.
Bebo slash Myspace will have to do.

Nice picatures by the way ^____^

David Destrato said...

I miss trees. And beaches. And warmth. And the ability to place, commas where,ver I please.,

Pinkishglobe said...

you have a wrinkly forehead. macy, you sound a lot like kenji =P

Anonymous said...


Jayo said...

Haha jian, only because she said the words "I'm too lazy".

Anonymous said...

Air's new album talkie walkie is key especially the song recommended by Jayo Alpha Beta Gamma, most of all its produced by the same man that produces Radiohead.

its Andrew btw jayo remember the guy that went to school solely for bio,

yea happy new year 2 u 2 and good luck