Thursday, September 25, 2008

3 Feet

It annoys the heck out of me that even though I managed to get 8 hours of sleep last night, I'm still so frickin tired.


It also annoys me that everyone around me is sick. I haven't been seriously sick for quite awhile (I think it's the amount of water I drink but I'm pretty sure that's only part of it). I can't do anything about's like, if a sick person (politically correct: person who is sick) comes anywhere near me, it's not like I can just get up and leave...or turn my desk away...or cover my mouth constantly so I don't breathe in as much viral-air. I can't do that at all and it's pissing me the heck off.



I like that I have so much to do, I really do. It's as if I no longer have an excuse to be wasting time (although somehow I still manage). The weirdest thing about it all though is, I don't even have to look at my planner. I make the effort to put everything down but when I'm actually carrying these plans out, I don't feel the need to refer to the planner, I just do. It's the most amazing feeling being on top of things and effortlessly (in a minimal sense) doing so.


Life Lesson Learned from Child Pscyh Class: Inhibitory Control and Delay of Gratification can be learned practiced and improved on. Basically, you can train yourself to easier resist wasting 3 hours mindlessly surfing the internet. You can train yourself to easier resist watching TV for the whole day. The professor suggested to try brushing your teeth with the opposite hand for a week and then moving on to much larger things that take more self-control to deny yourself of. I actually tried brushing my teeth with the opposite hand this morning...I banged my gum because my left hand is clumsy so I'm pretty sure that's going to turn into a mouth ulcer. SCREW PSYCHOLOGY!


List of clubs I signed up for:
Anime Club - We just watch Anime. That's it.
Asian American Association - First meeting, they served bubble tea and then played a terrible rendition of that "Move your ass" icebreaker. Sounds like it'll be a full semester though.
PC Democrats - I technically haven't even been to a meeting yet. I can't even vote so I don't know what use I'll be.
Women Will - I joined this on a whim. I'm not sure if I canmake it to meetings but I totally believe in the causes. And they gave me a wristband so yay.
College Students Against Cancer - Kinda odd because I don't know anyone who would be PRO cancer. But it's a good cause, I'm just not sure if I can attend this either.
Environmental Club - Again, a good cause but I'm not sure if I can attend.
Students Organized Against Racism - Again another DUH cause but this is America after all. I was a little fazed because the stand they had at the college's involvement fair, when I went at least, was kinda lonely and the girl running it (a very polite and informative individual) was just filling in. I joined anyway for fun. Hah.


I got a job. As a computer lab monitor. Basically I replace paper in printers. I think. I'm not sure, I wasn't told much. The guy just told me to turn up with some work to do and nothing much would happen. Awesome.


I actually think I wrote better when I had nothing to do and I was kinda lonesome. Hah.


Anonymous said...


it is therapy. i've learned that this blog writing is very good for me.

rather than posting bullitens on myspace & getting in trouble :D
i just write on this jazz.

it's wonderful..keeps me from stabbing dumb boys w/ spoons..or kneeing them in the groin like macy proposed.


Macy said...

that feeling you have.
I want it. NOW.
