Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I'm finding myself gradually improving.

There was a certain point in time when I disliked what I had become. I think it's safe to say that that time has passed (for now at least - as is often the case, I'm bound to fluctuate between ecstatic and ill-contented...I think it's called life).


Observation of Life Number One:
It's clearly not about the result. It's the anticipation. More often than not, the result will disappoint you. The anticipation however, whether you'd like to admit it, will always be good.

Observation of Life Number Two:
When making timetables, always double your time-frames for each segment/activity, if possible. Results will satisfy (guaranteed!).

Observation of Life Number Three:
It's difficult to bite your tongue; bite your brain instead.

Observation of Life Number Four:
You're frightening, believe me.

Observation of Life Number Five:
Things will remain obvious until you yourself interpret it differently.

Observation of Life Number Six:
God Exists. He really does. I mean he really, really does. Trust me.

Observation of Life Number Seven:
When you're running out of ideas, it's best to just stop.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...


you found me!

and LMAO on your comment.
i apologize for now using capitals.
i'm not a big fan of them.

and you want to become a journalist eh? that's interesting...i never pictured you as the journalism type.


oh and that is SO NOT my personal blog. tis for my journalism class.

i shall add you to my linkys on my personal blog yeh?