Friday, September 26, 2008

RIPTA, I loathe thee!

So RIPTA, Rhode Island’s ONLY means of public transportation, screwed me over once again. Twice.

I attended the PC Democrats meeting last night (just to see what it was like) and it wasn't too bad...kinda short but Pizza was abundant. A guy had a quick talk on the importance of New Hampshire in this election. He was damn convincing about it too. I would canvas but I don't think NH undecideds would fancy getting a visit from an Asian guy, with the biggest man-crush on a certain political candidate, being wildly obvious as to who he's supporting. I think that's illegal too. Also though, and I've mentioned it before, I can't actually vote so I don't see why I have so much interest politics. I'm a sucker for revolutions I guess.

So after that I chillaxed in a friend's dorm and busted my wrist trying to play Rock Band on Easy. "So it's just like dancepad for the hands right?" I asked naively to which Patrick replied, "Yeah...something like that". Needless to say, it was nothing like that and now I think have a mild case of arthritis and the sudden need to buy an XBox 360 or PS3. Self-control, don’t fail me now.

After that, I went to my first-shift-ever at my brand-spanking new job as a computer lab monitor. I walked around, pushed in chairs, picked up paper and when I got bored I wrote an essay. If only all forms of employment was this strenuous and satisfying. Even after gratuitous chopping of vegetables, endless wrapping cycles, anal-arranging of rounded fruits, demeaning scrubbing of floors and benches and earning a hefty HALF of what I’m earning now, I have no idea why I never went back to Woolworths. Oh that’s right…because everyone that’s ever worked for Woolworth’s, as well as all of its affiliated companies ending with an “-own” prefix, is a total bitch.

So after my two hour shift, I got to my bus stop at 12:05AM to wait for the 12:15AM. Half an hour later, the bus never came and I was getting kinda sick of drunk retards spattering about disobeying pedestrian rules. I was mildly amused at the conveniently placed hotdog truck that was probably ripping off drunkards with the munchies (do drunkards get the munchies? I have no idea). Anyway, I had to call Papa Jess which heavily guilt-rid me because he looked wicked tired.

Fastforward to this morning. I woke up at 8:30AM to the sound of women and children drowning outside my window (I think) and aptly sprung out of bed as this apparently leads to a more productive day. Cereal. Shower. Metrosexual Rituals. Etc. I got to the bus stop at 8:55AM wishing a little that I owned an umbrella and/or a raincoat but not worrying too much because the bus schedule said that the bus would arrive at 9:05AM. Oh but it didn’t. And I got drenched. And I got on the bus, which was 20 minutes late, stomping and giving evil eyes to the indifferent and probably alcoholic bus driver but the MOFO don’t give a FO.

An hour of wasted aggression, awkward hellos and spilling iced-coffee on my bright shirt later, I find that I got an A+ in my Child Psych paper and suddenly it no longer mattered that I had enough water in my clothing (and probably books) to bring the entire continent of Africa out of poverty and into the mediocre, wasteful, whine-filled, unfulfilling but privileged lives we lead today.


It’s like missing your flight to Disneyland, finding out your passport’s been stolen, being falsely arrested by airport security, being falsely abused by airport security because you have an Obama shirt on and it’s one letter away from that other guy who did nasty things, being released with a short apology by the ugly bald man with a complimentary airport donut, getting malaria from the donut, realizing you’re in the wrong airport, being hit by a moped as you exit the aiport and then bending over to find a penny. Yay! A penny!

Yep, it was something like that.


Ina said...
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Ina said...

Did you know Obama's getting sued in Philadelphia Federal Court on Grounds he is Constitutionally Ineligible for the Presidency.


Jayo said...

Hah, no haven't heard that. Apparently not such a big deal if CNN, or any major news network isn't covering it.

Ina said...

Oh, VERY big deal.
I didn't really catch what my teacher said about why it's not on the news. But I did hear when Mr. Symmonds said that it's treason, and this is major treason since, oh, you know, he's running for president. And the punishment for that is well, he did this whole action with his hand making a slicing motion across his neck. I didn't really understand it.

Jayo said...

Oh. Haha. Filed by a Hillary Clinton supporter. Figures.

There's a terrible e-mail going around (it's one of those chain mail things and has the worst grammar I've seen in my entire life) that's trying to convince people not to vote for Obama by spreading lies. Some of the lies include "Obama is a muslim", "Obama doesn't like America or the American flag" and my personal favorite, "He wasn't born here".

They fail to mention the fact that Obama had been attending the same church for over 10 years up until recently. It's a christian church and, even though Jeremiah Wright (his Reverend then) is kinda a whackjob, the guy only said the things he did because he was angry at Bush for being an idiot.

They rumor about hating America came from a picture of Obama, Hillary and John Edwards during a national anthem and Obama didn't have his hand on his heart. This only shows how petty people will go to prove a point. There's MANY photos of George Bush that have him having full-on conversations during national anthems.

The rumor that he wasn't born in the USA (or that he doesn't have citizenship) is ridiculous and also petty. He has released his Hawaiian birth certificate and the document was approved by a team of independent lawyers. Even if he did apparently lose his citizenship by living in Indonesia (which I don't even think happens because I'm still a New Zealand citizen no matter what...but I'm not sure how it works in other countries), the rules clearly state that all you need to be is naturally born (as in, born in the USA) and even if you did lose the citizenship, he's lived in the USA long enough to regain it so it's not even a big deal at all.

The interesting thing about it all is the fact that John McCain technically wasn't even born in the USA. He was born in the Panama Canal in a USA base. You don't see Obama supporters drilling that point.

Wanna know why? Because there are more important things to discuss like healthcare, the iraq war, the economy and energy.

Let's face it though, a lot of people won't vote for Obama simply because he's a black man.

God bless America.

Ina said...

Geez not that I wouldn't vote for him if I could. He would be great for this county and Mcain just really creeps me out. His face and look just doesn't look trustable.
My family's subtle racist remarks really do piss me off, because y'knw he's black. They're trying not to show it, but I'm not oblivious.

"NO, Mcain will win. Just wait"
"It's not that he's black it's just.."
"I'd vote for whichever side Sarah Palin is on"
"If Obama got voted president all those gangsters would take over"

If only you understood Bisaya.

I've heard those rumours. I find the muslim one especially ridiculous. My papa and Auntie made a huge fuss about it. I heard more "If Obama got voted president this country would ________ because he is __________ and America would be much better off with Mcain as president."

And yeah I saw a bit of the Mcain special about his life or something on CNN and I got a bit confused when I heard that he was born in the Panama Canal, but I'm guessing that since his father was like some big-shot military or navy whatever, they're not going to want to point that out and make it some huge deal like they are with Obama's case.

That's all I have, since my brain is not yet as perceptive as your college one.


Jayo said...

Haha sorry if I sounded like I was attacking you. Now is just the best time ever to be a democrat in college, that's all. There's some filipinos here too that confuse me. Some aren't so obvious and they'll be like "ughhh there's just...something...something I don't like about Barack Obama...ughhh....ughhh"

I'm really thankful that I've obsessed over Obama so much that my parents have caught Obama fever :P

It's a pity they can't vote either.

Ina said...

Yes, you did get a teeny bit defensive.
Lol. But it's okay.

And haha. I can just picture ths filipino dude with a t-shirt and plaid shorts on, making those "uggh" sounds. Pretty farking amusing. I actually asked my papa if he was racist up front once. He was making a very loud comment on a certain coloured person jaywalking and whatnot. I got pretty sick of his crap, right that moment and so I was like, "Pa, are you like racist?" and I don't think I caught his reply and then really, to nobody, thoughtfully even I went "It's because he's black huh?" it was an out of the spur moment for me. >.<

It's great that your parent's agree with you. Although I'm thinking you did a bit of politian style manipulation yourself. ;)

Anonymous said...

actually i haven't been watching gossip girl time..stupid work.

but i downloaded the song. it's good. it's one of those cruising it's a good song to be listening to on a sunny day just cruising around.


how do you like the daniel d songs?